Work with us!

We are a strong company with representation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with the potential for further growth.

We offer professional background, unrivalled product prices, a premium reward system for business partners, a detailed training system and an individual approach.

Become part of stable trade with precious metals!

The endless printing of unsupported money cannot work forever without a serious impact on the economy. Financial institutions offer their clients zero, even negative interest rates in some EU countries. Most of the financial products offered to small investor do not outperform the annual inflation rate and reduce their purchasing power. Many people do not understand precious metals, or they believe they are only for the wealthy. Become part of our team and help secure finances for yourself, your friends and other investor.

You are not acting as bound sales representatives regarding cooperation, so you will not break agreements already in place with other entities.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We will be happy to discuss the possibilities of investing in precious metals, to advise which of our products is best suited for you and to assist with creating your own gold, silver or combined deposit. Start protecting your finances today!

What we offer
  • A strong company background with representation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia with the potential for further growth
  • Unrivalled product prices
  • Premium reward system for our business partners
  • A detailed training system
  • Individual approach
  • Training and continuous education of our business partners
Who we offer it to
  • Investment advisers
  • Financial advisers
  • Financial advisory companies
  • Independent traders
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Stock exchange prices per troy ounce
Updated on 23.7.2021 - 18:52
Precious metal
Price in CZK
Price in EUR
Price in USD
Price in RUB
39 335,04
1 533,53
1 804,77
132 857,24
1 865,25
23 240,88
1 066,34
78 497,91
59 998,94
2 339,14
2 752,88
202 651,2
Price in CZK
39 335,04
Price in EUR
1 533,53
Price in USD
1 804,77
Price in RUB
132 857,24
Price in CZK
Price in EUR
Price in USD
Price in RUB
1 865,25
Price in CZK
23 240,88
Price in EUR
Price in USD
1 066,34
Price in RUB
78 497,91
Price in CZK
59 998,94
Price in EUR
2 339,14
Price in USD
2 752,88
Price in RUB
202 651,2
Calculate the appreciation of precious metals when investing regularly!
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